Reiki treatments take place on Mondays and Wednesdays in a Holistic Institute in Frederiksberg:
Holistisk Institut
Marienlystvej 1, st
2000 Frederiksberg
In exceptional circumstances treatments can also take place at the customer's location.
Reiki Training and Reiki Circle take place in a private apartment at Frederiksberg:
Reiki Healing Copenhagen
Roskildevej 44, 1tv
2000 Frederiksberg
I have prepared a very cozy space, especially dedicated to work with Reiki, where you will feel comfortable and safe.
Call me or send a message at +45 50 29 98 21 if you would like to book a session. For all other equerries, please fill in the form below. I will answer as quickly as I can. I am looking forward to hearing from you!